Ways to Make a Difference

Please support the Alison Rose Foundation's mission to raise funds for amniotic fluid embolism research and medical care for children and mothers.  Alison Rose Waclawek passed away while giving birth to her daughter due to a rare and often fatal condition called an Amniotic Fluid Embolism. Our goal is to one day be able to prevent anyone from having to experience this same fate and to support any mother or child going through similar hardship.  Any donations would be greatly appreciated.


The Alison Rose Foundation is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. All contributions over $10.00 will be formally acknowledged.

A friend of Ali and Justin’s has created a variety of clothing items which feature the Alison Rose Foundation logo. By clicking on the button below, you will be directed to Etsy store “LcoBuffalo” which features these items. A portion of your cost is donated back to the foundation and by wearing these items, you will be promoting the foundation and raising awareness.

Blood Donation

Most often an AFE involves two very serious and life-threatening complications; heart and lung failure (cardiorespiratory collapse) and severe bleeding (disseminated intravascular coagulopathy or DIC). Independently, each of these complications is extremely serious and life-threatening. Together, they are exceptionally challenging to treat and require immediate and aggressive medical care.

During ALi’s AFE, 18 pints of blood were used in the attempt to save her life. Knowing the blood donations are imperative in crisis situations, the Alison Rose Foundation sponsors a blood drive each spring held at D’Youville College. However, blood donations are needed all year round. Connect Life has been the organization that has run these. If you donate at times other than the ARF blood drive, you can mention the foundation and the reason for your donation.